I enclose a list of sites prepared by the undersigned on topics relevant environmental and EMC problems.

1) : Explain what is the mechanism that makes the Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) environmental harmful artificial, or if absorbed by the body or that of a living animal or plant belonging to the kingdom. And 'the last site developed (October 2011), however, is scientifically structured better. The others are placed in chronological order and are specified in the last two sites for uranium whose content is scientifically correct.
2) : where is explained in more detail (80 pages), is expressed as the harmful action of EMF environmental issues in relation to all the people (of all living cells, when EMC environmental penetrate inside their bodies, whether they belong to the vegetable or animal kingdom). The site, under "the bed as a shield", clarifies how a cost reduced by about 600-800 €, we can proceed in that direction (it is a charge amply rewarded by beneficial effects on health Chesi can get the person); this spending depends on the cost of the bed purchased (must be entirely of wood even in its support base to the floor), and the cost of the mattress (which must not be soft). There is a negligible additional cost due to the purchase of material that allows you to lock (or limit) Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF), picked up off the floor where the stationary bed (no signals on average, high, very high frequency that are present in the ether. As the first site biological effect of EMF (2003), can not be more accurate than those developed in the last: in any case contains important information about their effects. Interesting in "Leukemia", knowing the what is the explanation of its cause, how the disease originates and how, in a time of about 5 / 6 months, you can heal it, without the use of specific medicines (but better to use it and the undersigned is not a physician and would not be legally correct "indicted" for incitement to non-use of medicines for the treatment of diseases (or discomfort) of unknown origin (for Medical Science Journal). This is the first website developed (2003), so Although precise explanations, can be a bit 'twisted in the explanation.
3)  The disease is prevalent among older people: there is a tendency to increase in this disease and the average age in which they manifest their first symptoms, lowering tends to decrease regularly. What is worrying is the fact that both the medicine and scientific research, not yet understand what is the trigger for the disease and has not been yet developed an effective therapy for proper treatment of this disease.
4)  where it is clarified that the evolution of species reported by Darwin, has depended until the advent of artificial CEM (due to the discovery of G. Marconi of radio signals), or those originating in the low frequency ( 50Hz) electric cables, which are due to the circulation, it is current and absorbed from the soil (in this way, its "humus" is rendered biologically sterile), from which the living being stationed over there, these artificial magnetic field, added to those emitted from the antennas (as a function of frequency, ie taking into account their "harmonics" that make them up), alter the overall value of the natural magnetic field formed by the vector sum of that of all the atoms that make up the planet. This is because each atom has the electrons moving by rotation around its core originate a magnetic field, so it is fair to say that each atom (see section 4 of the site  highlighted in yellow), has its own magnetic axis and their vector sum total, the source of the planet's natural magnetic field.
5)  where we demonstrate how climate variations depend also (especially), issued by the Environmental EMC antennas emitting signals on average, high, very high frequency or low frequency ones (not eliminated) issued cables by high electricity transported, or, finally, those emitted by several satellites in Earth orbit now, and these are very high frequency electrical signals for any type of service they are used (military, telecommunications, TV, etc..). NOTE: TG3 of 1:10.2011 19 hours, reported that the year 2011, was the warmest year of the last 150 years with serious effects on agriculture, which are dissolved Alpine glaciers have lost a few meters thick, etc.. . It should be said that in recent times, have become commonly used Tablet Phone I need and use for their proper use, a significant amount of electrical signals (or environmental EMF emitted by antennas). What is the origin of these very recent phenomenon?
6) : site in the short (4 pages), is explained as a scientific mechanism to originate and are caused by the unpredictable "catastrophes" that climate on Earth, which so damaged the whole of humanity.
7) : This site explains that it is smart to support (for anyone that environmental EMFs are not harmful to the body (their molecular chains located inside the cells), people. The Magnetic Fields are Physical entities and their operation does not depend from the opinion of this or that scientist, Prof. of University, which in this case, do nothing more than express a personal opinion (wrong), but susceptible to ferromagnetic materials from the property on the books written Text of Physics and Electrical Engineering of the University School or Italian (or better in school books of the nations of the world!). If a scientist or a University Professor, in analyzing the action of the EMC environment, not quoting the property susceptible to ferromagnetic materials (also called SUSCEPTIBILITY 'magnetic), associating it with the Einstein formula E = mx c2, expresses a personal opinion and if that does not coincide with what is written in books, is wrong. If this "wrong view" needed , it is requested by a judge or by a PM who must redeem a case of "too many" environmental magnetic fields, the incorrect or incomplete information can lead those who must give its ruling, but to do so incorrectly. Question: knows 'whom it may concern (ie the judge or the prosecutor) that causes ALL the EMF environment in which the property was not mentioned Capable, Einstein's formula E = mx c2, was committed by the "Expert" the crime of PERJURY , followed by the crime of FRAUD if you have requested payment of the consultancy (WRONG) required by the Judge or by the prosecuting attorney on the case in a specific cause environmental EMFs? would be appropriate for people responsible for what happened (and still does), in classrooms Court, not to continue with this method (WRONG). He argues, however, is that a '"recently learned" that the Italian law does not have all the powers necessary to be credible (try to use, having decided to live with the strength of REASON and not by reason of FORCE, the little bit of intelligence that is found and the use of which he feels responsible.
It seems impossible, but as mentioned in all 10 developed sites, depends solely and exclusively by 4 points highlighted in yellow on the page. 1 of paragraph
8) This site  signals which are the chemical and environmental conditions that make possible and allow the biological life on the planet. In a second part, explains why GMOs produced artificially, may be harmful if assimilated by living things. Is then explained why the pipes or underground pipes that carry water, gas or other substances to households and industries, inexplicably "piercing".
9) : explains that in the halls of a Court, the Judges and the PM much to believe what is said by the "Experts" on the problem of man-made environmental magnetic fields, and that if they do not take into account the fact that they are physical entities that follow the directions and the physical phenomenon of orientation of the atoms (the frequency of artificial magnetic field), and imposed on them from the property susceptible to ferromagnetic materials. That is, the "Experts" in this way do not tell you the truth no one checking and verifying what they said!
10)  that indicates the reason for which is used by the military depleted uranium, which is the cause of the original radioactivity, Scientific why electrons revolve around the nucleus of the atom to which they belong, when and why an item in the table developed by Mendeleev, can result in unpredictable disease in those who would use it for military purposes (or assimilates it is incorporated into the food chain or breathe because the air).
11)  explaining what it is and what it depends on the radioactivity of uranium, the real reason why the environment surrounding a nuclear power plant in time becomes progressively more radioactive and harmful to people live there.
This is because the radioactivity is a very strong magnetic field frequency high and we saw that the EMC environment (despite the assurances given by the State Law promulgated in this case with a series of decisions "Scientific understanding does not exist."
Note: it sometimes happens, see groups of players dressed in white overalls appropriate, pass quietly to the side of bins containing radioactive materials or operate in an environment with such features! It should be noted that the white suit able only to prevent any radioactive uranium atoms present in the environment, accumulate on the clothes of the operators. The white overalls are not able to reject and cancel the harmful action which does Radioactivity (CEM environment is a very high frequency), in respect of the molecular chains within the cells that form the body of people who also work at 'domestic nuclear power plants. The problem is that the deleterious effects of radioactivity, which breaks the molecular chains within the cells, will be highlighted only in time and when that happens, it will be too late to realize that the "white suits" worn, do not perform any action defense against the environment due to EMF Radiation! Possibly the "white overalls" are useful only to those who produce but do not defend its users, from the harmful action of Radioactivity!
All 10 sites (including those relating to uranium), have been written keeping in mind that: 1) Electro Magnetic Fields are physical entities
2) Knowing that the scientific books of Physics and Electrical Engineering covering the subject
Magnetism (used in schools or universities in all Member States of the planet), is
wrote that:
1) There is susceptible to ferromagnetic properties.
2) Albert Einstein developed the formula E = mx c2.
3) Each time an electron moves through space or a conductor (but this
occurs when the nucleus rotates around its atom belonging),
gives rise to a magnetic field no matter how small, some authors such as Oliver & Ravelli book
General Electrical Engineering (ed. 1951), argue that the same negative electrical charge
electron has a small magnetic charge. Again, the result
Body type does not change.
4) Inside the cells that form the body of any living being, belongs
it to the vegetable or animal kingdom, there are a large amount, but indefinite, the
molecular chains (genes, enzymes, proteins, etc..), each with its own function
specific for the normal biological life of the cell, and their tears (caused by the Field
Magnetic environment), increasing progressively over time, resulting in a
equally gradual decay of organic light thereof. If the phenomenon
repeated in a similar manner and time in many cells, originate in the body
the living being, unexplained illnesses (such as cancer, Leukemia Dystrophy etc..)
or aging of the person and ultimately his death.

If even one of the points 1-4, is considered (but not scientifically
Politically), non-existent or imaginary wrong (wrong) mind
buggy of a person whose sole purpose in life is to waste time at the
Next, please do not read websites developed.

If even one of the points 1-4, is considered (but not scientifically
Politically), non-existent or imaginary wrong (wrong) mind
buggy of a person whose sole purpose in life is to waste time
PRECIOUS (by reading the work) to the responsible person (!) EACH
LEVEL (!) Of problems related to health, the climate of the planet,
environmental pollution and so on. please do not read everything, otherwise you
Please read carefully the content of external sites bearing in mind that the site  internet, was written at least 7 years ago, 'is the equivalent long-
of 80/90 pages, and scientific explanations may not be simple and
appropriate as those reported on the most recent sites.

Mogno Gian Pietro

Corso Traiano 178


10127 Torino (Italia)