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Campi Elettromagnetici e SLA

English version







It is necessary to keep in mind that Electromagnetic Fields are Physical Entities and that the scientific reasoning signaled in this document are present on the books of Physics, Electrotechnology and Biology used in Schools and in Universities of Italy, and that is why every student of senior high school, or who attends these faculties, at the age of twenty, has already received, in a complete way, All the information about them. Who should not keep in mind these Scientific indications, both a Nobel prize, a Scientist, a Researcher, a University or Polytechnic Teacher or someone who consider himself an “expert” of the subject, he will only express his opinions (wrong) that will negatively influence the guiltless public opinion.

1)     The existence of the Susceptive Property of ferromagnetic materials is real. The Susceptive Property asserts that, when the Earth’s natural Magnetic Field (MF) penetrates inside a body, it sets in orientation, in a more or less evident way, toward the magnetic North, all the atoms that form that body. If, contrarily, the environmental electromagnetic signal that penetrates inside the same body is artificial, the atoms orientation happens regardless but at the frequency of the artificial EMF (as the WI-FI, for any use, the RAI/TV’s, the electric cables ones etc.) with probable, but sure, casual breakups in the molecular chains (DNA, Genes, Enzymes, Proteins etc.) inside the 100mila million of cells that form the body of an adult person, originating in time any type of illnesses.

2)     All the moving bodies (even if the moving body is the one of an atom, that constitutes the numerous molecular chains inside the cells that form the human body) have an energy of movement given by Albert Einstein’s formula: E=mc².

3)     When an environmental EMF penetrates in the reinforced concrete (and this condition always happens and is Scientifically deeply wrong not to take it into the right consideration) that forms the structure of a building or of any other construction, it meets the iron rod that constitutes it and it induces in it an EMF given by B = µ x H (where µ = coefficient of absolute permeability, that, in the case of the iron rod, can reach a value some thousands of times bigger than the value induced in the air and H = value of the inducing EMF, that is to say the one penetrated in the iron rod). In the same way, every new environmental EMF induces, in the same iron rod plunged in the concrete, a further induced Magnetic Field (at its frequency), that, adding itself to All those already present, increases the resultant value and, accordingly, the harmful effect of the resultant induced Magnetic Field, so that, when it is absorbed and it penetrates in the cells of the person standing or walking on a concrete floor, it creates a greater number of breakups in the “molecular chains” inside the cells, originating, in time, casual illnesses (in the greatest part of cases unpredictable, chronic, sometimes progressively invalidating and sometimes deadly ones, as Tumor). N.B. Ferromagnetic materials are: Iron and its alloys, Nickel and Chrome. These materials are present in the human body and they form the molecular chains inside its cells and the ones of the Immune System (IS) in order to make them work correctly. In presence of an environmental EMF that comes into contact with the atoms that form the numerous molecular chains, as in the case of the iron rod plunged in the concrete, the ferromagnetic materials amplify its value, also 2.000 or 3.000 times, and, once that it has been picked up by the body of the person standing or walking on the floor, being sensitive to the Susceptive Property, they are responsible, through their orientation, of the breakup of the molecular chains inside the cells of which they are a basic part. In fact, this breakup of molecular chains is present especially in the elderly and creates phenomena as the muscular dystrophy, which make their movements difficult; however, nowadays, it happens also in the young generations!

4)     People bodies are hit twice by the environmental EMF:                                        

a) Through the ether.

b) If the Physic conditions should exist, absorbing it from the surface of the trampled ground. In both cases, even though casually, the “molecular chains”, inside the cells of the body of the hit person, break.

5)     Every time that an electron moves, even if this happens around the nucleus of its own atom, in a space or through any electric conductor, originates, an, even slight, Magnetic Field (Physic Property).

For this reason every atom has its own Magnetic Field; as every body is made of atoms, every body has its own MF. Also the Earth is formed by atoms and has therefore its own MF (that is to say that is an enormous magnet which attracts the smallest bodies that being formed by less atoms can be considered smaller magnets and therefore attracted and this is the force of gravity present in the whole universe because all the Planets and Stars are made of atoms.

6)     Inside the cells that form the body of any living being, belonging to the animal or the plant kingdom, there is an elevated quantity of molecular chains, but numerically still indefinite (Genes, Enzymes, Proteins, etc.), each with its own specific function for the correct biological life of the cell. Inside the cells, the breakups of molecular chains, caused by the Magnetic Field (environmental and artificial), progressively increase in time, determining a progressive slight biological cell decay. If the phenomenon, in time, should repeat in analogous way in a lot of cells, they would originate (with the progressive breakup of similar molecular chains) inexplicable, unpredictable, serious or rare illnesses (as Tumor, Leukemia, Dystrophy, etc.…). If the breakup of the molecular chains happens inside the Stem cells, such anomaly will be transmitted for the whole life both of the cell and of the person, in All the cells that will derive from it with unpredictable evolutions and consequences!


If only one of these points was considered inaccurate or incorrect by a scientific point of view or figment of the imagination of a person whose only purpose in life is to make people waste their time, I invite to stop the reading. Otherwise, you are asked to read with attention the content of this and the other 9 sites, developed by me, whose content can be reached through the web link: Introduction.


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Artificial EMFs, both those in low frequency, at 50Hz, and those emitted by an underground cable with a great transport of electric energy or by an electro duct (both put much too close to an inhabited house) or those in average, high, very high frequency emitted by antennae, penetrating inside the concrete structure of a house and reaching the iron rod that it is a basic part of it, are amplified 2.000-3.000 times in accordance with the magnetic induction law: B = µ x H. At this point the induced artificial EMFs (increased in accordance with the formula) must be put together according to their operational frequency. It is clear, at this point, that the resultant values develop a harmful action, casually breaking some of the so many molecular chains (of Genes, Enzymes, Proteins etc.) set inside the cells that form the body of the people or animals that walk or stand on the floor. You can only defend yourself against the phenomenon by shielding the bed as described in the chapter of the site:   


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This sketch, in truth a little facetious, has the goal to show what happens when a business net of PC works not with a cable connection, but on the airwaves, with Electromagnetic waves, as WI-FI.

Let’s take as an example the employee shown in Picture 1: he has a PC connected through a small WI-FI antenna to an access point set in a maximum ray of 65m, indoor. If the dimensions of the house structure should overcome the 65m, it would be necessary to add one or more further access point.

We must consider that the output signal of any PC with a WI-FI antenna is absorbed by any iron rod (present in the concrete) of any construction within the 65m ray of distance from the emitting antenna, and that is why also people who don't use or have devices with a WI-FI system or antenna will absorb the aforesaid signal passively, in the same way and intensity of whom uses or possesses them.

If the structure of the WI-FI net (business or family) is small, the transmitted signal penetrates in the other adjacent buildings if they always are inside the ray of action of 65m from the antenna. They are interested also all the devices, of new and old generation, which use the Wireless transmission as router, mobiles, peripheral hardware, console and accessories, tablet, PC and, in the end, the new heating gas meters. For this reason, according to the number of devices connected via radio (output and input) to a same WI-FI transmitter, the absorption of the received signal, as already explained, increases and multiplies in accordance with the number of the active connections, a real net.

Let’s consider the hypothesis of a connection in which 100 PC and 50 tablets are involved, the iron rods of the buildings near to the antenna will absorb a signal of 150 in every case, both active and passive connection. The working amount of transmission doesn't absolutely depend on a default number of connections but from its ray of action and signal transmission, independently on the number of signed users. For example, forming the hypothesis of a number of 1.500 users, if in any moment the active connections are 300, consequently the absorption force in the surrounding iron rods will be of 300 and it will vary in accordance with the working and use of the various users’ devices (PC, tablet, cellular etc.).  





In order to clarify the damage that a person’s Immune System gets from the action of the environmental EMF, it is necessary to signal what HLAs are (“Human Leukocyte Antigen”). They are a polymorphic family of genes present on the surface of the cells, and they are called “Major Histocompatibility Complex” (MHC) and interact with T cells. These molecules are fundamental in the immune response and are also responsible of the rejection of the transplanted tissues. For each of the HLA genes (every gene is in fact a molecular chain), numerous variations exist (called alleles); for this it is rare to find two individuals whose tissues are compatible for a transplantation. Besides, a person who possesses particular alleles of HLA genes is particularly exposed to have autoimmune illnesses (Dizionario Medico UTET).

It is my personal opinion that HLAs are extremely important molecular chains whose breakup provokes autoimmune illnesses, that is to say those which are originated by the Immune System.

The importance of the HLAs lies in the fact that they are delegated to the control of what is present in the human body and that it has to be compatible with it. 



As the word itself explains, an autoimmune illness can be produced by a biological alteration of the Immune System, whose function is that to verify the compatibility of all the cells present inside the body. For example, it checks the compatibility of the new Myelin cells that settle on the nerve axons in substitution of those biologically dead, in order to allow the transit of the electric signal sent from the brain to all the other cells. Naturally, it also has a lot of other functions, that I won't explain in this occasion.

If the environmental EMF, penetrated inside the human body, produces such an energy to “break” (Einstein’s formula  E=mc²) one of the numerous molecular chains of HLA that the Immune System uses for having control over the histocompatibility, the same System loses a part of its functional ability. This way, it could find incompatible, and subsequently destroy, not recognizing them for what they really are, cells that were instead perfectly compatible with the human body. In this case, it is said that the Immune System has lost, for an inexplicable reason, part of its functional biological capability (or as it is commonly said “it goes crazy”), but, naturally, the explanation can be found in EMFs action. In order to treat this functional inefficiency, immunosuppressive agents are used. They have the advantage of lowering the wrong level “of control” operated by the Immune System, but also the disadvantage of inhibiting the entire molecular chains of HLA, making possible the development of various and unpredictable pathologies.


Before deepening the Leukemia subject, it is necessary to make some considerations in order to clarify the different life expectancies of a Red Blood Cell (RBC) and a White Blood Cell (WBC).

A RBC has a biological life of 120 days while a WBC has a life of 6/7 hours. We can analyze the reasons:

The WBC has the duty, in the Immune System, of destroying, after having checked them properly, the organisms incompatible with the human body to which they belongs. To bring their duty to conclusion, it performs the phagocytosis and destroys the checked bacterium or virus and what is considered foreign. After the phagocytosis, for instance of a virus, the same WBC won't be able of performing a second phagocytosis: for this reason, it has a short life and it dies soon after its birth (6/7 hours), being replaced by a new WBC.

Some kinds of WBC have, on their external surface, a series of molecular chains of proteins (HLA) that are used for checking specific viruses, bacteria or cells. For example, with a specific molecular chain of HLA, the WBC checks the compatibility of the RBC present in the blood. In fact, it is possible to say that WBCs check RBCs not to verify their functional validity (the transport of the molecule of Oxygen from the lungs to the cell and the ones of Carbon Dioxin from the cell to the lungs), but to verify their compatibility with the organism. In fact, to make a blood transfusion, it is necessary to use one which is compatible with the one of the receiver (that is to say that it has to have the same blood group).

If the EMF penetrated inside the human body causes the breakup of the molecular chain of the protein that is used by the WBC (HLA), when it checks the RBC it will consider it “anomalous” but the reason of it lies in the broken checking molecular chain. It happens that, finding itself before an error due to an anomaly present in itself, the WBC, checking a RBC, can consider it incompatible with the organism and destroy it. When the Immune System of a body, struck by the environmental EMFs and with damages to the bone marrow where WBCs are produced, acknowledges the anomalous increase of RBCs that the WBCs erroneously consider (because of the chains of HLA damaged by the EMFs) incompatible with the organism, it will increase the number of WBC able to destroy the greater number of anomalous RBCs. If the new WBCs will have the same defect due to the EMF or if they will be later damaged by it, the number of destroyed RBCs will increase in an exponential process, consequently bringing eventually to the person’s death. If WBCs are produced by the bone marrow with the molecular chain preceded to the RBC check already broken, Leukemia would be Acute and would be impossible to remedy if not with a bone marrow transplant (nowadays it sometimes happens).

In order to try to resolve the problem of the Leukemia, if it has been verified that it has originated from the harmful action of EMFs, it could be useful to put the patient in such a condition not to be subject to them anymore. As, for instance, to making him live for an extended period of time on a sailboat. This way, the EMF, present in the environment, would flow in the water. This, with the medical therapies, could normalize the situation in all those cases in which a bone marrow transplant is not necessary. Besides, sick people could, naturally, take advantage of the shielding of the bed in order to avoid the harmful action of the environmental EMFs picked up by the floor and lying there for a period of 5 months for at least 20-22 hours per day. Naturally during the whole period, they have to continue the medical therapies and the illness evolution has to be kept under constant sanitary control. To lie in a shielded bed, limits the damage operated by the EMF absorbed by the floor but it doesn't succeed in avoiding the harmful action of the Electromagnetic signals in average, high, very high frequency present in the environment and that penetrate in the body of the person through the ether. 

Between 1980 and 2003, an epidemiological research, known as KIKK (Epidemiologische Studie zu Kinderkrebs in der Umgebung von Kernkraftwerken), has been done in Germany and its subject was the incidence of tumors and leukemia in children under 5 years of age who lived in proximity of nuclear plants. The conclusions of this study, the experts are still examining it closely, underlined that the risk to contract the illness proportionally increases with the proximity to the nuclear plants. As we have said, radioactivity is nothing else but a Magnetic Field, and so it is evident that the exposure to the Artificial Magnetic Fields can be considered source of the autoimmune illnesses and of leukemia, too.


One day I asked a doctor: “of how many illnesses it is known the cause?”

The answer that I got was:

Nowadays, the known illnesses are of two types:

1) The viral illnesses.

2) All the other illnesses.

The source of the first ones is known (the virus), while for the seconds ones it is still unknown (!!). This makes room to the consideration that the environmental EMFs, with their action of casual and progressive breakup of any molecular chain inside the human body, cause an elevated number of unpredictable pathologies. 




The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is characterized, among the other things, from a lack of Myelin; they are cells produced by the human body that positioned on the external wall of a “nerve” allow the transit of the electric signals that go from the brain and reach the muscular cells allowing in this way (besides other factors) the movement of the body.

With the MS there is a progressive loss of muscular ability of the body and its organs.

But what originates the lack of Myelin?

The official Medicine imputes the cause to a “madness” of the Immune System which, not recognizing the Myelin cells anymore, destroys them before they can settle on the nerve axons allowing the transit of the electric signals.

Probably the Immune System has its own Protein (which is a molecular chain) that, “breaking” because of the action of the environmental EMF absorbed by the floor, doesn't recognize the Myelin cell as an element of its own body anymore and consequently it destroys it. If the mechanism should actually result this one, it would not be the Myelin cell that results foreign to the body that has produced it, but it is the damaged Immune System which is incapable of recognizing it, therefore it destroys it provoking a progressive diminution of the number of electric signals that, leaving the brain, can reach the corresponding muscular cells or the organs of the human body, distorting its regular biological functioning.         


Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune illness in which the immune system has a broken HLA molecular chain in charge of the control of the Myelin cells by the interested lymphocyte and then it destroys the Myelin cell which allows the passage of the electric signal from the brain to the cell of the involved muscle. This happens at the same time of the fact that if the EMF, absorbed by the floor on which we stay or walk, penetrates inside the human body, it could casually break some of the molecular chains inside the numerous cells that form it.

The action of the environmental EMF is double-sided, since on one side it is harmful to the immune system and on the other side if it has penetrated in a muscular cell it breaks the molecular chain in charge of its contraction.

Should the phenomenon continue, the muscular system would progressively be damaged altering in time its functionality.

For brevity in this site we have considered two of the autoimmune illnesses among the most diffused. Nevertheless we wish to emphasize that there are other pathologies equally serious.

All the living beings belonging to the animal kingdom are subject to:

1)                 To the natural Earth’s EMF and this has given rise or caused Darwin’s theory of evolution.

2)                 To the artificial EMFs in low average high frequency, appeared with the advent of the electric energy (50-60 hertz) and to the electromagnetic signals emitted by antennas in average, high, very high frequency.

Practically the Earth’s EMF has caused Darwin’s theory (, while the artificial EMFs have accelerated it. We can say that the Earth’s EMF with its harmful action has damaged both the immune system breaking the molecular chains, that is to say the HLA of the white blood cells and the molecular chains, the enzymes, proteins, genes etc present inside the cells. It is clear that the molecular chains breakups in the immune system and inside the cells are progressive and they increase in time. And that is why all the autoimmune illnesses, as the multiple sclerosis and those considered as such, are progressive and not regressive.




On August 26th, 2014, h.17,20, watching RAI News on television, I have learned that a medical research center, probably called Neuromotor (with branch in Netherlands) has ascertained that ALS is genetically caused for 10-15%, while the remaining 85-90% is of environmental unknown origin.

Practically, for what has been said in a human body, the total muscular system regularly works if:

1)     The immune system is regular and allows the electric signals (few mill volts), emitted by the brain, to reach the numerous muscular cells.

2)     If the same muscular cell receiving the electric signal emitted by the brain regularly contracts.

3)     If inside the muscular cell, mitochondria are working regularly and biologically.

If one or more of these points are altered in their working, the whole muscular system doesn't regularly work. We have seen in the site that the environmental magnetic fields alter/break, in accordance with scientific mechanisms, the molecular chains of one or more of these described systems.

But what distinguish the various muscular dystrophies, the multiple sclerosis or the ALS?

If the magnetic field is absorbed by the human body its external effects, in time, will be evident in accordance with the power and of the cells that have absorbed the environmental EMF. Clearly the effects will be different for times and consequences on the interested subject.

In ALS, the environmental magnetic field absorbed by the human body involves, in its effects of breakup of the molecular chains, the content of the stem cells. In this way all the breakups that will happen in the stem cells will also be there in the differentiated cells that they produce. This shortens notably the time ALS needs to reduce in a meaningful way the muscular and cellular functionalities and those of the involved organs. In time the ALS’s patient will be only able to communicate with his/her eyes.

In effects a terminal patient of ALS is bedridden, he cannot move any muscle if not those of the eyes that allow him to read on a chart the letters of the alphabet. This chart is connected to a computer that reproduces the letters hit by the eyes, in this way the patient succeeds in remaining in contact with the outside.


Mitochondrion: it is a small body inside the cell. It contains the mitochondrial DNA formed by 7 molecular chains, the union of these chains creates the mitochondrial protein that is then given to the cell to satisfy all its energy working needs. If one or more of these molecular chains are interrupted by the environmental magnetic field absorbed by the cell, the creation of the mitochondrial protein is not possible anymore. In this way the mitochondrion is no longer useful to the cell where it is. Every cell has more mitochondria and after this event the next mitochondrion starts to work. When the mitochondrial protein creates by the following mitochondrion is consumed another mitochondrion will begin to work and so on.

So, we have seen the function of the mitochondrial protein. As the environmental magnetic field absorbed by the cell has the prerogative to interrupt one or more molecular chains forming the mitochondrial DNA, the protein is no longer formed. If the phenomenon should happen in all the mitochondria, the cell would not receive anymore the necessary energy to its regular biological working. In this case the cell would be unusable.


Some years ago there were some epidemiological researches about three sports:

1)     Cycling

2)     Basket

3)     Soccer

This because they had discovered that ALS affected only soccer players and they wanted to find a justification to such a phenomenon.

When cyclists want to train they get on their bikes and follow the programmed road building an adequate musculature.

Basketball players do not need an excessive musculature, but, on the contrary, a marksmanship during the game plan imposed by the trainer, which is why they especially work out on the game field.


Il gioco del calcio negli anni ’60 e ’70 era prevalentemente tecnico, e la preparazione atletica esisteva ma non aveva l’importanza attuale. In seguito il gioco del calcio è diventato più atletico pur mantenendo un certo grado di tecnica. Praticamente il giocatore ha fatto particolare attenzione al suo irrobustimento fisico. Per fare questo si è trovato davanti ad alcune strade:

In the '60s and '70s soccer was mainly technical, and there was an athletic groundwork but it did not have today’s importance. Later, soccer became more athletic, even if it maintained a certain degree of technique. Practically the player paid a particular attention to his physical strengthening. To do this there were various ways:

1)     A physical training that we will call natural, working out alone on the playing field.

2)     Working out in gym using equipments appropriate to his physical development as weights and treadmills.

3)     In limited cases, some players have thought about developing their body (their muscles) using electric muscle stimulators. These stimulators have the prerogative to send electric impulses to the electrodes applied on some parts of the body. In this way the electric impulses stimulate the muscle developing it in the end, but they produce casual breakups of molecular chains inside the cells. These electric impulses do not just casually break molecular chains inside the hit cells but they also reach the stem cells, where they casually break the molecular chains. As stem cells create the other cells, all the molecular chains breakups present at their inside would be also in the produced cell. And that is why, in time, progressively, there will be in the patient a decrease of the muscular capacity that will determine ALS.





Doctors advise against the evening measurement of the body temperature because its value results increased because of something that till now has not found a justified scientific explanation!

So, let’s try to give a correct scientific explanation of it.

The First principle of Physics asserts that: in “nature” nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.  

Human body temperature is, in fact, the external demonstration of the heat inside it. In slight measure, the cause can be found in the metabolism (altered by the fact that in the evening people have dinner). The true motivation behind the increase in body temperature is, however, another and in fact this does not always happen at the same time but the phenomenon happens first in winter (h 17-18) while it is postponed during summer (h 20,30-21). This happens because, in these hours, public illumination is switched on, and, only in that case, the electric cables increase the value of the released environmental EMFs. We must say that the electric cables, subject to this phenomenon, lay underground near to houses and, if their load-bearing structure is in reinforced concrete, when the environmental EMF, released by the electric cables and with the value increased because of the switch on of the public illumination, penetrates it, meeting the iron rod inside it, it subsequently increases in its value of some thousands of times in accordance with the formula of the magnetic induction H = µ x H. At this point, the body of All the people, that walk or stand on a floor, gains and assimilates the EMF induced in the iron rod, that is, in conclusion, the sum of All the environmental EMFs, taking in consideration their working frequency, that depends on their use (WI-FI, mobiles, Radio and Television, Tablet, working WI-FI heating gas meters, Internet WI-FI router modem, etc.). Naturally, if there are, laid underground but close among them and in proximity of a house, electric cables and the district heating ones, the environmental EMF, reaching and penetrating the heating pipe, increase in its value in accordance with the magnetic induction and, reaching the heaters, it wrap them with its own EMF. It is not finally excluded that the EMF present in the heating pipelines could intersect the iron rod of the concrete and reach, this way, every point of the building. It is necessary to say that All the signals emitted by antennae in the action radius of 65m, to which we must add All the WI-FI signals (inside a spherical ray of 65m. at least and maximum of 1 Km), were already present in the iron rod, increased for the magnetic induction. This way, the environmental EMFs due to the switch on of the illumination have a harmful effect when they are absorbed by the iron rod plunged in the reinforced concrete and absorbed by the human body of the people who stand, stop or walk on the floor. In this condition, with the penetration of the environmental EMFs at 50 Hz in the human body, because of their sudden increase (the environmental EMFs due to the turn on of the public illumination and released by the electric cables of the Power Companies or the Town ones) because of the Susceptive Property of ferromagnetic materials, All the atoms of the human body are set in a more or less evident way in alternate orientation to the frequency of 50 Hz. The illumination wires in the flats and the working devices create a limited environmental EMF. In fact, the environmental EMFs originated by the public illumination are of greater value. Then, on the evening, consequently to the use of all this electric power, there is a greater presence of environmental EMF at 50 Hertz per second of frequency and when they are absorbed by the people, for the Susceptive Property of ferromagnetic materials, they set in “forced” orientation an undetermined but elevated quantity of atoms (millions and millions of atoms), that, linked among them, form the molecular chains inside the cells. Obviously this “forced” orientation, which happens 50 times per second, causes, together with the force lines of the Magnetic Field of the single atoms, attrition among them and accordingly a slight heat that determines an increase in the body temperature! Then, in the evening hours, in the cells that form the body, there is the casual breakup of an undetermined number of molecular chains. Therefore it is obvious the necessity to reduce the use of nighttime electric power for the public illumination, in order to decrease the quantity of EMFs introduced in the environment, using low energy street lights, as LED ones. It is also necessary to say that the public illumination has to guarantee the citizen’s security and it is difficult, but not impossible, to mediate people’s security with their personal health. The Mayors, that organize “Le Notti Bianche” (events and parties all night long), don’t do anybody a favor, from the health point of view, neither to whom participates neither to whom abstains.

Anyone who, using a high definition microscope, want to observe what happens to the molecular chains inside the cells in accordance with the susceptive property of ferromagnetic materials would see the atoms that form the enzymes, proteins and genes completely still. This because an image stays on the eye retina only if the movement lasts more than a tenth of a second.